Let us begin with a disclaimer. We are not Catholic. We have attended Mass for years, possess a small, but highly prized collection of Catholic saints miniatures and other religious icons, and eschew meat on Good Fridays (although we absolutely, unequivacably cannot and will not eat fish, not even for Jesus). But we've never actually taken the eucemenical plunge, mostly because we don't really see the need for it when we already believe what we believe and, if what we believe is correct, are pretty sure that God knows that we believe it, too. But that being said, we have to admit that, despite our lack of official status as a Catholic, we have always been strangely fascinated by nuns. Yes, that's right. Nuns. But not like the one below, who, while no doubt a fine person and nun in her day, pretty much seems to embody the nun "ideal."
But while we are fascinated by Sister ability to be a nun at all in a world increasingly at odds with all of the things that the vocation represents, we are even more fascinated by those nuns who, even within their specialized little world, are considered oddities. What do we mean? Well, take a gander at the bullet-totin' brides of Christ below.
The picture, which we found on the Intelligent Genealogy websiite, isn't captioned. But our guess is that these sisters are members of an archery team. "Rifles For Redemprion" or some such thing. No doubt charity is involved in some way And from the smiles on their faces, it's clear that the Beatles weren't far off the mark when they sang, "Happiness is a warn gun." But it's not always smiles...
Not quite sure where these sisters are showing no mercy, but you probably wouldn't want to be counting your rosary beads there. But wait! There's more!

But while we are fascinated by Sister ability to be a nun at all in a world increasingly at odds with all of the things that the vocation represents, we are even more fascinated by those nuns who, even within their specialized little world, are considered oddities. What do we mean? Well, take a gander at the bullet-totin' brides of Christ below.
The picture, which we found on the Intelligent Genealogy websiite, isn't captioned. But our guess is that these sisters are members of an archery team. "Rifles For Redemprion" or some such thing. No doubt charity is involved in some way And from the smiles on their faces, it's clear that the Beatles weren't far off the mark when they sang, "Happiness is a warn gun." But it's not always smiles...
Not quite sure where these sisters are showing no mercy, but you probably wouldn't want to be counting your rosary beads there. But wait! There's more!

The last image is, of course, from our new all time favorite movie, Nude Nuns with Big Guns, the 2010 nunsploitation epic that introduced the world to Sister Sarah (played by Asun Ortega), who, after being raped, beaten, brainwashed by corrupt members of the clergy, recieves what she believes is a message from God telling her to mow down the grimy bastards responsible for her...uh...duress. She isn't always naked, but she does pack a couple of big pistols, which she uses to carry out the Lord's work, a task made even harder when the clergy hires a morotcycle gang to kill her. The end result is a holy mess of twist and turns in. this B-movie cult classic to be, which, I confess, I have watched at least as many times as I've attended Mass in the last year. (Seven). For fans of nunspolitation films, it's probably the most exciting addition to the genre in years. And it makes a wonderful Christmas gift for the person who already has all the glow in the dark saints.
Well, there you have it. Our little post with the big potential to inflame our readers, but, really, why should it? The Christian God of the Old Testament was all about vengeance and smiting stuff, so why shouldn't the brides of Christ shoulder an uzi? Nunsploitation films may raise a few eyebrows here and there, but my only issue is with the ones that portray nuns as sex-starved sisters of mercy coinstantly on the look out for a fallen angel to help them find heaven. Bottom line, for me, is that nuns and sex is absolutely, unequivocably taboo. But nuns with guns? That's entertainment.
This sister is one bad mutha.
Thanks for reading our post. See you next time. xoxoxoxxo
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