Don't know why. Perhaps because they were the first wave of the so-called "modern woman." Even though the first flapper
black-bottomed her way across a speakeasy dance floor almost a hundred years ago now, the images and clips of the flapper era seem strangely modern, allowing us to relate to these young woman in a way that we can't to their counterparts in previous centuries. It's odd to think that these cigarette smoking, gin swilling, knee-rouged, outspoken young women dubbed "flappers" by the 1920s press went on to become the little old ladies of the 1960s and 70s. Cutting edge in their time, crocheting grannies in ours, these erstwhile sirens of the speakeasies paved the way for...well...uh..
.Snookie. But we can't really blame them for that, can we?
Again, not sure why we're so passionate about these wooden horses that never go anywhere. But if someone handed us a million bucks and said, "You can only spend this on rocking horses", we would happily embark on a quest to seek out and buy as many of the little nags as we could. We like the older ones the best, the ones with manes and tails made of real hair, and skin made of real horsehide. Yes, we realize that we're making PETA cringe. But, let's face it, the horses that supplied that hair and hide have been dead a long time, and no amount of self-righteousness is gonna bring 'em back. So rock on, little hide and hair horses. Rock on.
Well, actually, we're fascinated by glow in the dark things in general. But we find Catholic religious icons that glow in the dark especially delicious. Little snippets of green phosphorescence in a darkened room to light the way to salvation, or, perhaps, to warn us away from Hell. And apparently, the Catholic Church supports the public's passion for glow in the dark icons because true seekers can go
here to order a glow in the dark crucifix key chain blessed by none other than Pope Benedetto XVI himself.
Father Ted would be proud. And for those with a more secular bent, look at the glow in the dark things that your green glowing money can buy...
And we want it. Oh, yes, we do. We want it all.
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